Monday, January 25, 2010

Governor Propeller Of Plane How Does Sarah Palin Travel Around Alaska If She Sold The Governor's Jet?

How does Sarah Palin travel around Alaska if she sold the governor's jet? - governor propeller of plane

Alaska is so large that it takes several days to cross the state. You have to move a plane. Just like Sarah Palin get all the state? Did she fly commercial? Use a propeller plane, rather than a plane? What was actually saved money on your travel costs by selling the aircraft? I also heard that they had no success to sell the plane on Ebay, so I finally had a list broker.


Homey said...

Land ownership was still time goes by ... What kind of @ sshole answer was that?

I suspect that Palin traveling by car for short trips and commercial airlines for longer trips. It is true that the plane had to sell through a middleman, because no one has met the minimum bid of ebay, and I understand that he sold at a loss for them.

The Skiier said...

Declaration of Ebay was a joke. See on You Tube. I can not believe how people are naive to think it was serious. Were at the convention, people laugh because everyone knew it was a joke. I think the Democrats do not understand ... lol! As for his trip ... Ask ... lol! What the H * LL cares? She travels for work, so that the payroll Govt.

the d said...

s nothing like a car can know his favorite song great, but more than 60%, it is not habitied

gromit80... said...


Peter B said...

I think I beat music. Even if she says her home and work units ...

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